Our static tanks for storing clean water and wastewater are specially designed to offer a reliable and durable solution. With a capacity of 8 m³, these closed and space-saving tanks meet the needs of sites without connection to the sanitation network. For waste water, they allow secure management, while for clean water, they guarantee temporary and hygienic storage, ideal for isolated sites. Waterlab Services offers a complete service to meet water needs, including a frost protection system in winter, protective covers, electronic level monitoring, and emptying by sewer jetter truck for wastewater. These rigid but lightweight tanks, with compact dimensions (L 2.50 x W 2.50), provide secure storage, suitable for a wide variety of environments.
Our flexible tanks and our static tanks
Our flexible tanks and our static tanks, for storage solutions for wastewater and clean water.

Discover our complete range of flexible tanks and static tanks today and take a step towards responsible water management.
Our flexible tanks offer incomparable flexibility, adapting to various environments and installation constraints. Their robust design and durability guarantee optimal water conservation, while minimizing the risk of leaks or contamination.
As for our static tanks, they are designed with the same rigor and the same concern for quality. Their solid structure ensures maximum stability, ideal for long-term storage of waste or clean water. All tanks are available for rental.
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Our flexible tanks for clean water and waste water.
Flexible tanks for storing clean and waste water offer great flexibility with a capacity of 10 to 200 m³, ideal for sites without connection, such as construction sites or temporary events. Rental from Waterlab Services, these “water cushions” can be combined to increase storage capacity in a secure manner. For drinking water, our flexible tanks comply with ACS standards, guaranteeing compliant and safe storage, even for a long period, thanks to specific materials that preserve water quality. Concerning wastewater, Waterlab offers a complete service, including emptying by sewer jetter truck. Our supply services also include the delivery of drinking water by specialized tank trucks, thus ensuring a complete response to water needs for various contexts without permanent infrastructure.

Our autonomous containers for clean water and wastewater.
The autonomous container from WATERLAB Services offers a complete solution for supplying drinking water to remote construction sites, often lacking suitable infrastructure. Easily deployable, this robust system ensures total autonomy with a storage capacity of 4 m³ for drinking water and 4 m³ for waste water, meeting the needs of professionals. Designed in Alsace by our design office, this container combines technical feasibility, economy and respect for the environment. Thanks to sustainable technologies and local know-how, this innovative solution guarantees reliable water management in the most demanding environments, offering superior manufacturing quality in collaboration with carefully selected suppliers.

Our fire protection flexible tanks
Fire protection flexible tanks for rental are designed for the storage of water without pressure in order to create temporary Fire Water Points (P.E.I.), meeting fire defense requirements throughout France. With capacities of 60 to 120 m³, they allow you to quickly set up a water reserve for fire protection in areas without permanent water points. AFNOR NF (S62-250) and QB (CSTB) approved, these tanks are easy to install and can be used temporarily or more permanently. Waterlab Services offers tailor-made support, including installation, maintenance, and filling of the tank for a turnkey solution. We take care of water delivery, but these tanks are only available for rental.

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