Our autonomous pipeline disinfection system
The main advantage of our disinfection system for drinking water distribution facilities is that it is completely autonomous and requires no electricity supply. It also enables precise and proportionate dosing of an aqueous solution enriched with a disinfectant, regularly injected into the pipeline to ensure optimum disinfection. This mobile and lightweight innovation from Waterlab Services allows teams to carry out work efficiently at any type of temporary site, whatever the conditions!
Preserving water—an essential resource for humankind—and reducing our impact on the planet are the two objectives that guide Waterlab Services’ teams every day to adopt more sustainable practices when bringing your projects to life.
Our sustainability also lies in our ability to regularly find new environmentally friendly solutions for disinfecting pipelines, water treatment and flow traceability…
Whether at our company and, on a larger scale, at the group Engyea, together with our partners and service providers in France and abroad… We are always on hand to discuss best practices and to work together to create innovations that use little vital resources and have an ever smaller impact on the environment.
Innovation 1
Our autonomous pipeline disinfection system

Innovation 2
Our continuous water pretreatment system
The only French contractor to provide continuous pretreatment of the water it supplies, Waterlab Services has turned to the use of a patented electromagnetic technology that requires no additional chemical products! This ultra-economical system is safe for the environment and in no way alters the quality of the water or its composition. It is effective on all categories of bacteria (E. coli, klebsiella pseudomonas, E. coli staphylococcus, legionella pneumophila and iron bacteria).
HydroFLOW was selected from thousands of businesses (on an international scale) for the award of Solar Impulse certification. This means our technology has been recognized for its role in protecting the environment and the planet.

Innovation 3
Our remote reading system
Created to encourage more sustainable water consumption, the Waterlab Services remote reading system offers a clear view of the amount of water consumed and discharged from your site as a whole or in specific zones. Thanks to LPWAN connected sensors, data are recorded on our servers in real time, before being sorted and organized. You can access them at any time via a user portal. This solution is available as an option for all water meters.

New Fas'Tower
New developments and new embedded technologies.
Our Fas'Tower V2 are now self-sufficient in electricity for up to 2 weeks.
The water in these fountains is nano-filtered and IoT information feedback sends us information on water consumption, number of times the fountain is passed, CO2 savings and number of PET bottles saved! They are also ultra-stable because they are lesstable.
The marking can be personalized in the colors of WATERLAB Services and/or the end customer.
They are intended for more event-based installations in VIP and/or VIP catering areas.

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